First Fidal-approved track in Como


First Fidal-approved track in Como

This six-lane track is the first Fidal-approved (Italian Athletics Federation) track installed by Tagliapietra of Udine at the CONI Sports Field in Como Municipality (Italy), with Casali’s professional system for athletics tracks, Sportrack.

Casali’s Sportrack SW PM sandwich type system in red RAL3016 was used to install the 5,227.84 sq.m. track.

The Casali Sportrack SW PM system is an integrated, professional waterproof system, featuring cast-in-situ mat (consisting of SBR granules and an exclusive binder), that ensures a perfectly seamless surface, outstanding elastic return and excellent shock absorption. A special polyurethane resin coating completes the system, to ensure the best technical performance, and is finished with a sprinkling of EPDM granules.

Specially designed by Casali for competition and training athletics tracks, the Sportrack SW PM system is a product of Casali’s Sportrack family which also includes Sportrack SW PF and Sportrack SC.