Casali Sport line turns 20 in 2012!
2012 is an important year for Casali. The Synthetics Division and of course the Sports Surfaces Line, which is just as young and dynamic as its age, turn 20. Twenty years of research, tests, history, development of materials with the best resins, passion and hard work by all. Twenty years to celebrate and thank all those who have helped to attain so many important goals like the production of more than 10 million kg. of high performance resin, 4.300 tennis courts,1.300 multipurpose courts and three competition skating tracks in the world.
Twenty very important years that would not have been possible without the work of all our staff but above all the creativity, professionalism and commitment of Elvio Cardinaletti, Director of the Research & Development Laboratory, and founder of the line, who passed away in 2009 but who lives on in the heart of Casali; The date 1992-2012 which appears on our anniversary logo was taken from his calculations held on file by us as a tribute to an important personality who represented Casali’s policy of focusing on the human aspect of every relationship and business initiative, so very perfectly.