Convention 2010: Positive, Reactive and Innovative

The 2010 Casali Convention was held on 4th February at Hotel Sporting and was attended by the entire sales force of the Company.
The 2009 data and final balance, new products, strategies and sales plans for the year which has just begun were the items on the agenda presented and discussed by the Managers of the different Divisions (Membranes, Synthetics, Synthetics Geomembranes, Soundproofing) and company departments (production, research & development and sales).
The focus at the meeting was on the latest product novelties which caught the interest and appreciation of all those present: Re-flexine, the waterproofing system with high reflection coefficient, the latest product developed by the Synthetics Geomembrane Division, Aderix, the new self-adhesive membrane, Soniter Reflex, the innovative thermal-acoustic insulation for storey floors, Dermacem Fibro, the cement and synthetic polymer based liquid waterproofing and Agile, the new “lightweight waterproofing” membrane under the Casali brand.
The goal announced with confidence by the Sales Director Mauro Moreschi, which is shared by the company and sales force alike, is that of implementing in the year ahead programmes and strategies that will make it possible to react to the negative economic situation that that for some time has afflicted the world markets in order to attain specific growth objectives.